Oxford University Press and Geological Society of London go live with GetFTR
Get Full Text Research (GetFTR) is delighted to welcome two prestigious publishing organizations as new partners.
GetFTR is designed to improve the journey from discovery to access, and to support publishers in helping their researchers quickly reach the latest version of published content they are entitled to read via their institutional subscriptions. GetFTR also provides researchers with access to up-to-date open content including open articles in hybrid journals.
OUP will include its books as well as journals in the GetFTR service and would like to ask all discovery services using GetFTR to send entitlement checks for both content types so they can quickly direct readers to content they are entitled to read.
Tanya Laplante, Head of Product Platforms said “We are delighted to partner with GetFTR and improve the research journey for our readers across the globe. We are always looking for ways to improve the researcher experience and partnering with GetFTR will ensure that our readers get streamlined access to content”.
The Geological Society of London benefitted from GetFTR’s Free Tier service which waives the subscription fees for publishers with less than 40,000 DOIs registered with Crossref and working with Atypon, Silverchair or PubFactory as their platform provider..
Dr Maxine Smith, Publishing Platform Manager from The Geological Society of London said “We are very excited to be able to access the benefits of GetFTR with no cost and very little effort. GetFTR will improve the experience for our researchers offering rapid access to Earth science research provided by their institution, fulfilling the Society’s mission to support the Earth science community. We would like to thank the teams at GetFTR and Atypon for making the process so straightforward”.
Dianne Benham, Product Director of GetFTR said “This announcement shows that GetFTR is a valuable service for both small and large publishers and can work across content types. We look forward to supporting OUP with their target of streamlining access to both articles and chapters. We are also glad to be able to waive the costs for smaller publishers who would otherwise be unable to afford to enhance the user journey for the researchers”
If you would like to find out more about the service, please contact Dianne Benham at dianne@getfulltextresearch.com.
About GetFTR
Get Full Text Research (GetFTR) is a free-to-use solution for academic discovery services and scholarly collaboration networks that provides researchers with faster access to the published research they need, whether subscription or open access.
The service provides real time, high quality entitlement checks and displays the GetFTR indicator on the search results, article page or references so that researchers can easily determine which content their institution has made available to them. By clicking the GetFTR link, the researchers can rapidly access research from participating publisher websites. Libraries and researchers do not need to opt-in, register, or download any new software, GetFTR links are automatically displayed in the resources they use.
About Oxford University Press: https://global.oup.com/
Oxford University Press advances knowledge and learning. From a child reading their first words to a researcher expanding the frontiers of their field, the possibilities are endless. Established in the earliest days of printing and throughout our 400 year history, we have always been home to the inquisitive, the passionate, and the ambitious. We welcome new ideas and fresh thinking, and offer the opportunity for individuals and teams to make their mark.
We have a clear mission which informs everything we do—to create the highest quality academic and educational resources and services and to make them available across the world. We share the University’s uncompromising standards, defining qualities, and belief in the transformative power of education and research to inspire progress and realize human potential.
About Geological Society of London: https://www.geolsoc.org.uk
Our aims are to improve knowledge and understanding of the Earth, to promote Earth science education and awareness, and to promote professional excellence and ethical standards in the work of Earth scientists, for the public good.
Founded in 1807, we are the oldest geological society in the world. Today, we are a world-leading communicator of Earth science – through scholarly publishing, library and information services, cutting-edge scientific conferences, education activities and outreach to the general public. We also provide impartial scientific information and evidence to support policy-making and public debate about the challenges facing humanity.
The Society is the UK’s professional body for Earth science and has a worldwide membership of over 12,000.

Taylor & Francis Online Streamlines Researcher Access to Cited Articles Through GetFTR Integration

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CABI, Edward Elgar & Royal College of Surgeons of England take advantage of GetFTR’s “free tier” initiative.

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