Meet us NISO Plus, R2R, ER&L and UKSG
Our meeting diary is looking busy for the first few months of 2024, we hope to see many of our friends and colleagues at the following events.
Dianne, Heather and Hyke would be delighted to meet with publishers, librarians, researchers and anyone involved with the discovery of academic content to talk about how GetFTR helps streamline the researcher journey from discovery to access.
- 13-14th February – Niso Plus in Baltimore, MD: Heather will be talking about The Future of Open Science.
- 20-21st February – R2R in London: Heather and Dianne will be attending the whole conference. We are also delighted that Olly Rickard from Atypon, one of our valued platform partners, will be giving a lightning talk about the value of adding GetFTR indicators on references
- 4-6th March – ER&L in Austin, Texas (and online): Heather will be talking about researcher access in a creative and entertaining session featuring GetFTR and SeamlessAccess.
- 8-10th April – UKGS, Glasgow: Hylke will be presenting GetFTR in a lightning talk, focusing specifically on recent developments such as the browser extension and on how GetFTR adds value for Open Access publications.
We are also hosting our own webinar on March 25th – this event will cover everything Librarians should know about GetFTR with a special focus on the GetFTR Browser Extension. We are delighted to be joined by GetFTR Advisory Board member Lisa Janicke Hinchliffee, Professor & Coordinator, Research & Teaching Professional Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Taylor & Francis Online Streamlines Researcher Access to Cited Articles Through GetFTR Integration

American Chemical Society (ACS) Enhances Researcher Experience with Integration of GetFTR into Article References

CABI, Edward Elgar & Royal College of Surgeons of England take advantage of GetFTR’s “free tier” initiative.

American Diabetes Association and American Physiological Society join GetFTR as publishing partners

Publisher the American Society of Civil Engineers and integrator Semantic Scholar are to join GetFTR