Entries by Tracy Gardner

GetFTR Webinar: Recording and Slides available

We were pleased to welcome so many librarians, publishers, and others from across our community to our webinar last month. Thanks to Lisa Janike Hinchliffe, Heather Staines, Dianne Benham and Hylke Koers for such an interesting and informative session.

4th April 2024

We were delighted that over 100 people representing libraries, publishers and discovery resources signed up for our webinar in March. We included an introduction to GetFTR and news about the latest products

Tracy Gardner joins GetFTR as Head of Marketing

Tracy Gardner joins GetFTR as of Head of Marketing to amplify its value proposition with the academic community. GetFTR, a cross-industry initiative designed to streamline the researchers online journey from discovery to access, is pleased to welcome Tracy to the team. 

GetFTR Plans for Retraction & Errata

At the end of 2023, we launched a survey to get your feedback on a new concept for GetFTR; signaling of retractions and errata. We asked you if it’s important to inform researchers of retractions and updates at the point of discovery

Meet us at NISO Plus, R2R, ER&L and UKSG

Our meeting diary is looking busy for the first few months of 2024, we hope to see many of our friends and colleagues at the following events. Dianne, Heather and Hyke would be delighted to meet with publishers, librarians, researchers