2nd October 2023

GetFTR New Partners | Browser Extension Launch | Product Roadmap | Case Studies | Events

New Partners

GetFTR welcomes Edward Elgar, CABI and Royal College of Surgeons – we can’t wait to hear their feedback.

We are continuing to sign publishers up to the GetFTR service and are delighted to welcome Thieme and ASM International.

If you would like to hear how GetFTR can benefit your organisation, please get in touch

New Get FTR Browser Extension Launch 

More than 250 people downloaded the extension during the beta, and provided feedback on the service. The GetFTR browser extension now works with Chrome, Edge and Firefox, with Safari coming soon.

Once installed, the extension adds GetFTR links to the latest version of Open Access, free and subscription-based content (where the institution subscribes) which supports publishers and libraries in maximizing visibility and access to the content they invest in.  

The extension now works with Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, Primo, LENS, ProQuest Summon, EBSCO Discovery Service, Web of Science and CrossRef Co-access with more coming soon.

For more information visit https://www.getfulltextresearch.com/getftr-browser-extension

Product News 

The 2024 product roadmap has been approved, and we have some exciting things in store. A couple of highlights include 

  • A new API service, which provides faster entitlement decisions
  • A GetFTR Open Access/Free service which provides an up-to-date list of DOIs that are freely available – great for those hard to discover Open Access articles in hybrid journals
  • Enhanced entitlement responses, with errata and retraction data to provide researchers with more information about the article

Case Studies

Over the summer we published two case studies showcasing how GetFTR has helped improve the researcher experience for our partners. 

We demonstrated how Cactus integrated GetFTR with their research tool – R Discovery – to provide researchers with a more personalized experience. They reported an increase in user retention by as much as 100% and increase in full text views of 20%: 

Earlier this month we reported how GetFTR supported ScienceDirect with their content syndication pilot. Real-time entitlement checks enabled researchers to easily access content their institution made available to them, resulting in an increase in clicks through to the publisher website. 

Upcoming Events

If you are going to be attending Charleston this year, please do find time to catch Erika Boardman’s session – she will be showcasing the GetFTR Browser Extension and explaining why this development is good news for researchers, libraries, and publishers.

We are also pleased to announce that we have a lightning session at UKSG next spring.


Don’t forget to follow our social channels:

X – https://twitter.com/GetFTR

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/94148274/admin/feed/posts/